Thursday, June 16, 2011

Time's Have Changed

So, today on my way to work, I received an e-mail from Adam (who is 7 for a few more days):

"Can I have a Blog page? Please. You werk it out with daddy and if you say no that is ok but I mite have a copel of tears."


I remember when I was 7 years old and computers were brand new and a new bike was what I wanted more than anything. Now, my boys are easily more computer savvy than I'll ever be and more likely to ask for an iPad rather than a baseball glove. Don't get me wrong...they are active fellas...some would argue too active! I just can't remember for the life of me when the change happened in our world. Adam will still play baseball & ride his bike...he'll just want to blog bout it!

And don't discredit the 5 year old! This week after being punished for something, Andrew spouted out: "I am never, never, ever going to play WordsWithFriends with you again!!!!" Take that, mom! Even verbal slurs are technilogiclly driven.

So here I am, entering the world of blog, in effort to scope out the dangers and joys it might pose for my child. Who knows, I might just enjoy it here. I'm not sure how long it will last. Andrew asked me that same day, "Mom, when you die, can I have your iPad?" I'm watching my back these days!

Have a good day!